Wednesday, May 27, 2009

packaging time

There is an appliance in my kitchen that is almost purely decorative. If it weren't for the timer feature, it would be decorative. I'm talking about the microwave. We almost never use it for it's intended purpose, but always use the timer. I'm thinking about getting one of these adorable little pun intended....and letting the microwave go. Do you know someone who could use a little time...remember this post? Well, this would be a cute item to give with a note that says you've figured out how to package time.

Are you a microwave user?

timer available here


  1. Cute idea. Yes, with four kids, teenagers, I half to admit we sort of love ours. Different schedules, needs....would miss it horribly. But I love that you are organized/domestic/nurturin. Much better.

  2. Microwave used only to heat somethings up. But I am a timer user. I love this one. I have a hand one that is cracked and falling apart,but love it! I forget to use the microwave one and the one on the stove, well... I have been known to turn the stove off instead of set the timer. LOL...

  3. I don't use it that much ... actually I never use it ... but my husband does ...
    especially when he comes back home (once a week, after his basket local team coaching) to reheat his dinner ...

  4. We have a microwave and only use it some, to heat things. I always use the timer on my stove- to keep me moving, to slow me down to say 'when'. I do like this little time piece though.

  5. g. - organized/domestic/nurturin...i just love that you've put that out there for the whole world to see and I'm leaving it there with no corrections!

    joyce - i'm always paranoid i'm going to accidentally turn the microwave on instead of the timer off.

    la marquise and debra - i certainly understand the quick reheat. somehow we got in the habit of using the toaster oven to really well and doesn't get that microwave soggy syndrome.

  6. the only reason we use the microwave is because it came with the house, and it is occasionally useful for heating up a quarter cup of frozen corn for the child's dinner or some such.

  7. Woah - get rid of your microwave? That's crazy! It's the only appliance I ever use in the kitchen (minus the fridge)

  8. I love it. You could wrap this super-cool timer in a large bottle and give it to them with the old Jim Croce album Time in a Bottle. Though what they would do later with that album is anybody's guess.

    Nope. No microwave for me. I do have one in my classroom that I use to pop popcorn for the kids.

  9. Jae, you did it again... I ordered one of those timers.... it will go beautifully with my old kitchen... and my maytag stove that came over on the Ark, no clock. Now if I could just find room for a dishwasher then I would have more TIME!
