Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Favors...for the forests

Want to add a little mystic and magic to your next get together? Brazilets have been a tradition for the last 200 years in mystical Bahia, Brazil. They are worn by wrapping around your wrist and tying three knots for three wishes; when the material wears down and the Brazilets fall off naturally, it is believed that your three wishes will come true. A portion of the proceeds is dedicated to saving the Brazilian rain forests. At just $5 each they certainly meet the affordable favor category. I would pick colors that tied in with my event and then tie them around every one's napkin for visual impact.
Available here


ticklishfromadistance said...

very cool. good find.

Julia said...

Aw, that's so creative!

Unknown said...

how sweet is that?!?!? adorable!

Anonymous said...

Jae, I love your blog, made it my homepage so as to not miss a single beat.

jae said...

Hi Everyone,
I know...I hadn't seen these until very recently and now I'm seeing them every where. Especially on celebrities wrists.

Chloe - just made my day...I am flattered beyond words. Thank you.