Thursday, March 19, 2009

It is the year of the octopus*

I could not be more excited. The journals I ordered for the site have arrived and they are even more stunning in person than I imagined they could be. The size of them is so unexpected and original. Today I wish the internet was dimensional or like television even more. If you could see them in person, you would have to have one.....they are that spectuacular!

I'm putting one on my coffee table for the whole family to use together. The idea of everyone having a collaborative journal appeals to me.
available here and here
*the year of the octopus


  1. OK. I LOVE this, Jae. These are so beautiful and quirky and cool. Awesome.

  2. These are so neat - and yes, quite quirky in a good way!

  3. What a neat idea! Can you imagine after a couple of glasses of wine what your friends would write. Thanks.... xoxo

  4. Wonderful! I like the colors. And collaborative journals is a great idea. A friend and I were sharing a journal for a while, collaborating on drawings, and it was quite fun...

  5. summer is for collaborating and making memories and to have a journal for the record -all is such a nice idea.

  6. Hey, what a splendid idea! I actually won the octopus journal at a giveaway, and when it arrived last Saturday, I was surprised at the size, thinking it was a travel journal. When I told Gillian I was going to use it as a sketch journal, she liked the idea. But now, I like yours too! Isn't Gillian brilliant with her designs?

  7. Gorgeous journals! I always feel more inspired to write interesting things when I like what I'm writing in...

  8. From a SeaWitch viewpoint, these are lovely...especially the Octi. How d you choose one, I couldn't possibly select one. Sea Witch
