Thursday, August 20, 2009

time in a box.

I wouldn't mind watching time slip through my fingers if I had this clock. It is so much less obtrusive than the clock on the cable box or a blackberry. A clock is a very unexpected gift to give, but I think you could pull it off if you gave it to someone you are trying to make more time for. Are you a clock person? People either have no clocks or many......what do you think that says about our personalities??

available here


  1. Love this time piece. I don't always want to know what time it is. Sometimes I feel like everything in my life is according to time. Oh, and those boxes in your earlier post... adorable!

  2. Hmmmm....not sure. I have not worn a watch for years when I started to feel a slave to it. But now every phone has a clock. I do not have a clock in my home, not one! I did not realize it until this post. We use the microwave clock, so I guess it is fair to say we are not paying too much attention, but somehow make it to where we need to be!

  3. When my husband and I were married 20 years ago we received many clocks for presents. Now most of them have died. I have replaced some of them with cheap place-holders and its just not worth it! I will have to check this one out!
