Monday, August 31, 2009

mondays need liquid fuel

This is the time of year when I always want to be up north. The crisp air and the changing leaves have it hands down over Florida's tiresome humidity. I love a warm drink and a cool day. Pair these flasks with a liquid fuel and give it with an invitation to a picnic or a tailgating party. Baileys and hot chocolate anyone or how about coffee and rum or you tell me....what should I put in your flask?

more styles found here

Thursday, August 27, 2009

for him.

It's no secret men can be buy for that is. However, these towels would provide something nicer than a dry shave. The dry wit we can't do anything about.

available here

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

i'm wondering

I have a question.....actually, a couple. It is the time of year when I need to be putting together the holiday gift guide. For those of you who saw last year's, I would love some feedback before I embark on this task again. For those of you who didn't, you can click on it in the right side column if you would like to see what I'm talking about. I'm wondering if you liked it with the pages devoted to the recipients like it was or if it could be done in a more general layout. I was thinking about changing things up a bit, but you know the saying....if it's not broke, don't fix it. Let me know.....I can handle constructive criticism if you feel the need. As you can imagine, it is a tremendous undertaking, but I really want it to evolve in a forward motion.

Okay, secondly....and less importantly......have you been checking out the photos on bing? I love google. My kids ask a question and my standard answer it. However, the daily photos on bing are nothing short of amazing.

carhenge in western and image here

Monday, August 24, 2009


I've posted about bookplates before, but here is a cute little set all ready to go. You could give these with another book or you could stick one of these in the book you are giving and have extras on hand for other gifts. I like a book that has been signed by the person who gave it to me with a little message. Do you sign the books you give?

available here

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

time in a box.

I wouldn't mind watching time slip through my fingers if I had this clock. It is so much less obtrusive than the clock on the cable box or a blackberry. A clock is a very unexpected gift to give, but I think you could pull it off if you gave it to someone you are trying to make more time for. Are you a clock person? People either have no clocks or many......what do you think that says about our personalities??

available here

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

running on empty

I'm running way behind this morning.....and it's only 9 something. I'm feeling like my day is filled with things I have to get done, but what I need to be thinking is that my day is like these metal boxes I've long adored......they may look empty, but they're filled with possibilities.

available here

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

interior inspiration

I haven't done an interior shot that inspired a gift in awhile, but when I saw this image I immediately found the inspiration I needed. Want a gift idea for someone who really needs to take some time for themselves? A bunch of bolster pillows in a tote would make a not so subtle statement. Pick their favorite color or choose all white.....after all, we are encouraging serene moments.

I saw this image of Dana Gallagher's at Seleta's....who saw it at Desire to Inspire....don't you just love how the internet works...

Monday, August 17, 2009

back to school...better with bacon.

Since we celebrate the last day of school, I'm thinking the return to school might receive a better reception if we celebrated it too......i know, a bit of a stretch, but still eases the sting. So, I think we'll surprise the kids in the morning with their favorite breakfast. The husband makes the best whole wheat pancakes. We'll include some natural applewood smoked bacon and they'll come running down the stairs at first smell.

image found here

What would make you run down the stairs on a morning that you'd rather be pulling the covers over your head?

Friday, August 14, 2009

the fly on the wall is me.

I've decided that this morning I'm going to be hovering around some of the blogs that I so enjoy reading, but haven't had the time lately. Have a terrific weekend everyone.....where will you be hovering?

image credit

Thursday, August 13, 2009

clean and naked

I'm not sure if I ever told you, but the husband has his own cleaning business, thenakedjanitor. No...he isn't really naked.... He cleans both residential and commercial without using any harmful chemicals.....which is where the naked comes in. I can just picture him carrying this bag filled with his supplies......much like an on call bag. I'd like to have thenakedjanitor printed across the side for extra impact. It has that clean look that would complete his image so nicely.

available here

For those of you without nakedjanitor's for husband's, I can also see this filled with firewood or magazines. To keep in the green theme, it would be a very stylish market bag, too. Tell me, how would you use it?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I was following up on the planners you suggested yesterday when one thing led to another.....tracie's comment led me to laurel denise which led me here.......when i saw these bridle leather camp bracelets. We've established the fact that i like opposites....juxtapositions of style....masculine and feminine. Anyway, who doesn't like a monogram? This would make a charming little gift for the leather lover in your life....and you can't beat the price! I would wear it with my multi-strand pearl bracelet wrapped around's nothing if it isn't versatile.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2010 is coming around the corner.

I'm do you manage your calendar? Are you an agenda or day planner type of person where you still write things down or are you someone who enters everything into their phone and syncs to the computer? Where do you put your kids schedules? I prefer to write things down and to be able to carry it around, but I am forever struggling with just the right planner. It is getting to be that time of year know, the time of year when you have to buy next year's calendar or you won't find one when it is actually next year. So, I really want to hear it.......what do you like to use to manage your calendar? I figure since we established yesterday that we all are very aware of the details, maybe just maybe, you could solve my yearly agenda dilemma.

Monday, August 10, 2009

daydreaming rocker

I think I might have ended up in more trouble with these pencils, but a bunch tied together would make a back to school gift for someone....well.....less than excited about the return to the classroom.

available here

Do you think they just had the hand model pretend to be left handed so that the pencils could be on the right side of the frame? I get accused of being too aware of the details at times....did you notice the left you drive yourself crazy in the details too? please say would be nice to know i'm not the only one tormenting myself on a Monday morning.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I've been known to labor over not always included...the words have to come out fast and furious here, but anyone who knows me will vouch for me. I saw this image last night and I started thinking about names. Our names are the words that define us the most, but we don't pick them. I have been told many times by all kinds of people that my name sounds like a stage last name is shannon for those who didn't know....and technically my first name is jodi....jae comes from the first initial being spelled out. Do you think much about your name? If your name were as bad as this one...would you change it?

image credit from this inspiring photographer via the bedlam of beefy

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

capturing seasons

Have you done any canning this summer? Is that even something you do? I haven't done it for a long time, but the image below is calling out to me.....also, a great thing to have on hand for a friend for a little something when the wintry weather has taken its toll. My aunt cans green beans from her garden that are amazing. What makes them so amazing? She pickles them with fresh dill. Yes, that's right....dilled green beans. They are the perfect compliment to a bloody mary. Imagine taking a jar of those to a brunch with friends. Yum!

image credit and canning jars here

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

swimming in schools

It's not just that I'm thinking of school (starts again Aug. 18 here), that drew me in to these fish sculptures. I think it is more about what is missing and implied that I appreciate. And it certainly doesn't hurt that they are white.

I've probably said it here before, but when you need to thank someone, add a little creative wording to the tag for maximum impact.......
there are a lot of fish in the sea, but thanks for choosing me.
How do you like to thank someone?

Monday, August 3, 2009

out of the box

Wooden boxes are a great way to present a gift. Tie a beautiful simple ribbon around it and you have a package that anyone would be curious and excited to open. Need an idea of what to put inside? I picture this one filled with fragrant organic tea bags. Pick ones with lavender and you could even go as far as adding a sprig of it under the bow.

box found here