Wednesday, July 1, 2009

gift wrapped salads...

Since I am in the mood to share picnic recipes, you have to have this one. You could wrap this one in a box and tie it with a bow and they might think it was the best gift they ever's that good.

Blue Cheese Coleslaw
2lbs. napa cabbage
1/2 lb. blue cheese (or gorgonzola)
3/4 c. cider vinegar
1/4 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. celery seeds
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. white pepper
2 T sugar
1/4 c. minced white onion
3/4 c. vegetable oil
mix coleslaw and blue cheese and let sit for at least an hour or overnight (you want the flavors to mix) mix remaining for dressing. whisk. add just before don't always need all the dressing be careful not to get it too wet. serves 6-8

I don't have an image of this to post for'll just have to trust me and try it for yourself, but here is a place I would go to the end of the universe for with my coleslaw and watermelon in my picnic basket.
image found here
Where would you love to go to picnic this weekend?


  1. This sounds yummy! I love blue cheese! Questions: What do you serve this with and what is napa cabbage?

  2. I am going to make this this weekend. I love that you can(and it sounds good to)make it the day before. Great to be able to do things once everyone is in bed! I would love to have a picnic in Napa Valley this weekend. Or ANY weekend! xox g.

  3. kaye - if you are a meat eater, it is a great addition to a burger or a steak....i use it as a side and am always asked to make it for any family gatherings. napa cabbage is just a variety of cabbage...also known as chinese can substitute regular cabbage, but the napa is a bit milder and has a whiter look to it. it is easily available. you won't have any problem finding it.

    g. - yes making it ahead is a huge plus....just add the dressing right before you serve it.napa valley would be good with napa cabbage...and of course, some wine.

  4. I will def try your coleslaw. I love picnics... now that the rain seems to be lifting in our part of the country, we should have good picnicking weather. I love to go to lawn concerts and this would be perfect to take along.

  5. Thanks for answering my questions, Jae. I'm going to make it this weekend! Can't wait to taste it!

  6. Lord have mercy! You say "blue cheese" around me and someone's gonna get hurt! LOOOOVE! And this sounds too delicious, Jae. Mm,mmmmm.

    I have bad luck with picnics for some reason. :( Usually just ends up in a dodging game from wasps. Tragic.

  7. Mmmmm, I've been wanting a recipe for Blue Cheese Coleslaw. Great timing....thanks to g. at ticklish.
