Friday, July 3, 2009

celebrating independence??

Happy 4th of July! While you're celebrating your independence, the husband and I will be celebrating our lack of. Tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary. Hope your weekend is filled with love, fireworks, and picnics.

image found here


  1. Hi Jae, Happy 4th to you! No wonder you are thinking of fireflies. We(NJ) seem to have just as many this year as previous years... although its been so rainy that maybe their season is off. I do have a friend in Ocala Florida and she has fireflies as well. If you are interested here is some good info about fireflies or as we call then lightning bugs. Have a good holiday and anniversary!

  2. EEK! Happy anniversary, Jae!! What a fun date. Ours is the day after Thanksgiving (though it varies every year), so I can relate to the holiday/anniversary celebration. Enjoy!

  3. Happy 4th AND Anniversary!! Happy sparks of color will sure be flying around you this weekend. Enjoy! xoxo

  4. Oh how I love this image. Have the most wonderful weekend with your man, and I know there will be fireworks! xox g.

  5. What a fabulous photograph. It's my 33rd wedding anniversary today and it seems lots of bloggers are celebrating theirs too. I would also like to wish you happy 4th of July from the U.K. and I will be raising a glass to all of you Americans out there. XXXX

  6. Just found your blog. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! That is a fantastic image!
    Nice to meet you. I'll be back again soon.

  7. Ventured over from ticklish from a distance, and so glad I did - love your blog!

    Happy Anniversary!

  8. Let's celebrate together... we celebrate our anniversay on the 5th. Being back is like coming home. Thank you for your kind thoughts and wonderful comments.
