Tuesday, June 16, 2009

to ourselves

This morning I got up before everyone...including the ball of fire sun that says summer has arrived in South Florida...and took Newton for a 2 mile walk. We used to do at least that every morning, but lately with school getting out and life, we haven't been able to fit it in. I enjoy this little gift. It is so easy to forget to do things for ourselves. What little thing do you do for yourself? You know, the thing that gets forgotten the minute life gets hectic. The little thing that should be front and center, but is most likely back off to the side.
no this isn't my walk...my superpowers have yet to take affect....photo credit
p.s. Thanks for your sweet comments for Drew yesterday. I think he was shocked I said okay....


  1. A perfect way to start a perfect day! I love those days to start off with a quiet moment outside hearing the birds and watching the squirrels and Alvin the chip busy as bees. ENJOY! xoxo

  2. ouiet moments are the best and most treasured!!!!

  3. Jae-
    I took an art class and I was the youngest by far in the class, and one of the oldest students told me, like they say when you get on the plane, you have to administer the oxygen to yourself before others. So, keep that thought when you take your walk or when you do something for yourself, it's so important!

  4. I love this idea. Things I do for myself usually include a hot bath and good meal. It's nice to relax and be thankful for the things in our lives.
