Tuesday, June 2, 2009

summer lovin

Summer is soooo close.....only 2 more days of school here. Celebrate the start of picnics, bbqs, roasted marshmallows, and swimming pool parties, with an outdoor luncheon.
Send your friends a vintage napkin....ones I love here, and here. Add an invitation to join you at your table for lunch. You could even tell them to bring it with them and then wrap up an extra piece of cake in it to go back home.
summer panzanella recipe here and lemon pound cake recipe here...both via smittenkitchen


  1. I want the recipe for that first image! That looks amazing! Another great idea.

  2. What time is lunch? I'll bring the wine. My friend's children last day was on Friday. Summmer is here!
    Have a golden one! xoxo

  3. Oh my goodness, I'm drooling over here :)

  4. Yikes! Panzanella salad is my very favorite! Your cake looks yummy too! I'm coming with Joyce-I'll bring my appetite!

  5. The panzanella is gorgeous! We having friends over this weekend for the first bbq of the summer, I have to try it.

  6. g. - came from the every popular and amazing smittenkitchen.

    joyce - name the day

    julia - i know...it wasn't too hard to find some great looking images to compliment the post.

    debra - i know...love a good panzanella too. find out from joyce when she's coming!

    alexis - let us know how it turns out!
