Thursday, June 25, 2009 drug of choice.

I'm trying to appreciate this and even understand it. Have you seen it? I getting that old that I think this sounds like something kids should NOT be doing? If you haven't seen it, it is the new way to eat chocolate, by breathing it. Le Whif was developed by a Harvard professor and a biomedical engineer (I swear)...and is the first inhalable chocolate.My normal test for a product is could I plan a party around it? I'm not sure when chewing became such a nuisance, but I know I could plan a party around it. I have to know your thoughts on this.

first discovered here


  1. I have to say, I love the packaging but I think I would need more than just "le whif" - when it comes to chocolate, yes, you could say I inhale it....

  2. I am laughing too hard to give a worthy comment, but your dialogue is just too funny. As GOOFY as it is, I, too, could see a fun party planned around it(one of the reasons we are friends) or sending it as a great pick me up to a pal. I would order these, I think, unless the price were as insane as the idea! xox g.

  3. my thoughts are... I would STILL need to feel it melt in my mouth :-)

  4. Umm...I think that would make me crave it even more!

  5. I got a chocolate candle from this store a while back and I will tell ya' that every time that baby burns (and it smells JUST LIKE chocolate) it only makes me long for the feel and taste in my mouth. I enjoy it but c''s food! Eat it! ;)'s got antioxidants. Does that help my cause? ;)

    Happy weekend to you, Jae. :)
