Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Word Games take 2

This is one from the archives. I originally posted this when my blog was very new. Since I had about 3 readers at the time, I decided it is okay to feature again. What would you write?

Many times people spend so much time on the gift, but they don't think about the presentation of it or the gift tag. A gift tag is like frosting on a cake. It's okay without it, but so much better with it. Today, I played with some words on a scrabble board to make gift tags. Just photograph the words, print them on hard paper, punch a hole, and tie on a ribbon. Starting top left and moving clockwise: Attach this to a pocket size calendar and send to a friend you haven't had time to catch up with lately. Have you been trying to land a meeting with a particular client? Tear out a page from a calendar, wrap it in a small box and attach the "let's take time to meet" tag. Do you need to make amends with someone? Tie the "meet me today" tag to some flowers. Looking for a fun way to propose? Hide the ring inside the letter bag and wrap up the scrabble game with this tag.

Have fun with this....there are all kinds of things you could say. Need a housewarming gift? Wrap up a stack of games and make a tag that says "family fun". The extra time you spend on this, means a lot to someone else.


  1. I love presentation too! I just mailed out some boxes and my husband shook his head as I tried to decorate the outside of the shipping box. LOL..
    This is a great idea! Enjoy...

  2. This is my favorite post you've ever done and here's why...

    Paul proposed to me with Scrabble letters that he taped on our dog's collar. We love Scrabble so it was totally fitting. When we got married, one of my best friends gave us a framed, customized Scrabble board, featuring all these words that meant something to us. It was one of my favorite gifts ever and it hangs in our entryway for everyone to see.

    So, my dear, I love love love this one:)

  3. Lovely. Do you know the Hadley Pottery, made in Louisville. I have many items and the cups - inside on the bottom say things like "all gone" - and another one I saw said "marry me" - My mother has a lovely casserole that says "the end."

  4. Oh how creative. But would I expect any less from you? Neva'


  5. What a fabulous idea. I'm so glad that you reposted it.

  6. I have a scrabble group and they will love this idea! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Can I add you to my blogroll?

  7. You are so clever. What a fabulous idea. I can't wait to try it!
