Monday, January 19, 2009

The writing on the wall

I've been thinking about handwriting a lot lately. I'm wondering if we spend so much time on the computers that we are losing the art of handwriting. I like how this person has been using a handwriting font in their blog. It really gives them a personal feel. I posted about fontifier a long time ago here, but I've been thinking about it so much again that I thought it worth another post. If you don't remember, you can go to their website and have a font of your own handwriting created for just $9. As I posted before, I really love this idea because of the endless possibilities. You could actually "write" your own thank you notes and invitations, preserve your child's handwriting, or use it on your blog to create that personal feel. Talk about a thoughtful inexpensive gift. Download the form and have them fill it out and then you take care of the rest.

*Update: Someone was nice enough to let me know that you can go here and do it for no cost at all. Okay, no excuse now! Thanks for the tip!


  1. I made my handwriting font here:

  2. Anonymous - Thank you whoever you are for the tip! Good to know....going to have fun with this!

  3. I know I've lost my handwriting ability - or I feel that way esp. after looking at the lovely writings of my Mom. Her handwriting is amazing. Thanks for the link!

  4. Oh, I just love the idea of getting your own font made.

    I just sat down tonight to a pile of 10 thank-you letters that I wrote by hand. By the end my writing was almost illegible and my hands were aching. I've definitely spent way too long on the computer. xx

  5. you are SO handwriting is the pits now. I have to really concentrate to write neatly. I LOVE your idea of preserving your child's writing via one of the custom font services. It would be fun to do each year and watch the progression.

    You always have the best ideas! xo ~Suzanne

  6. love, love, love this idea--thank you!

  7. So neat...and I love Beefy's new handwriting feature:)

  8. I'm so excited!! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
