Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fake vs. Natural

Lately, I'm seeing a lot of boxes of fake fall foliage in stores. This got me to thinking....if people would actually buy a box of fake leaves, how thrilled would they be to receive a box of real leaves? If you live where the leaves change, fill a gift box with fall leaves. Tie a big velvet bow around it in a fall color. You could also choose acorns or even pine cones. Send them to someone who doesn't live where they get to experience this bit of nature. Write a simple note saying you wanted them to experience the season. Besides for shipping, you have a thoughtful gift that didn't cost anything. If you want to take it up a notch, put them in a glass container. Nature does provide the best gifts.....actually, you could write something like that on the tag......."wanted you to experience the gifts of nature".
P.S. If you choose acorns, freeze them first to make sure they aren't home to any little beasties.


  1. You're full of so many ideas, what a thoughtful and delightful gift! We don't have many leaves change here at the beach, so I can only picture the delight of opening a box full of golden yellow, brilliant orange and bright red leaves captured in a mason jar wrapped in raffia.

  2. I love it! love leaves and branches as well and for sure would rather get the real thing long as they weren't crumbled yet :)

  3. Great idea - I'm heading to the mts. at the end of the month and this would be perfect! I like the freezing idea too!

  4. once my boss purchased fake leaves for me to scan for something during fall because he was too lazy to go out and find some pretty ones! I couldn't believe it!! You are right- nature does provide the best gifts.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I was writing to congratulate you one another amazing idea when I read Krissy's post. Give me a break! Too funny.

  6. This has never been more opportune for me than it is now, as I make the move from city to country. Such a lovely idea:)

  7. I think if you picked them up while they were fresh or picked them off the tree, they wouldn't dry out for awhile.
    Seleta - check out the 10.21 post
    Krissy - all I can do is roll my eyes.
    bee and diana - we'll all be expecting leaves soon!
    relyn - glad you're back and glad you enjoyed this idea!

  8. maegan - I meant to welcome you! glad you're here.
