Friday, September 26, 2008

Thinking outside the basket

I've talked about the gift basket doldrums It's not that gift baskets are all wrong in theory, it's that they rarely have the finesse or thought involved that is essential for a memorable gift. Why does it have to be a basket that looks like you went out in the garage and grabbed an old one left over from Easter? Get creative with your container. Then make what you put in the container relevant.

Why not a casserole dish filled with seasonal root vegetables fresh from the farmer's market?

Thinking along those same lines...why not a big wooden salad bowl filled with fresh baby greens also from the farmer's market?No matter what lines you think along....just think a little outside of the basket.

Le Creuset Casserole available here, root vegetable photo from here,

wooden salad bowl available here, mixed baby greens photo from here

P.S. I'm guessing that since I've mentioned the words "gift basket", my google ads will be just the type of thing I'm referring to......irony.


  1. everything you should is true. Baskets are become so plain that i use alot of other things as baskets for my site. I use pots and pans and even a crockpot one time. Don't believe that a gift baskets can only be a baskets.

  2. Almost every holiday my Mom buys me a piece of Le Creuset and I can't tell you how much I adore this gift! I use them all the time, I love cooking with them, and I will have them for life. Not many gifts fall into that last category!

  3. Ohh that sounds like an amazing idea - I would love it too!

  4. How fun to find your website with these great ideas...I spend lots of time picking out gifts but a whole basket of things seems overwhelming..maybe I just need to think more topically. Thanks!

  5. A Great 'Green' idea - I love how all your gift suggestions favor the earth!
