Friday, August 15, 2008

What'd you get?

I like to ask people about their favorite gifts. So today I'm going to start a new game that we can play from time to time called "what'd you get". Here's the rules......there are no rules. Just tell me about a gift you received that pops right into your mind as being a favorite. It might be something that cost nothing that had incredible meaning or something that you know set the other person back a bit. Whatever it is, I just want to know why it was thoughtful and meaningful to you. So here goes...what'd you get?


  1. most recently my surprise party that my husband organized. Getting my family and friends in my house, complete with my favorite foods. And he was such a perfect hostess making sure no one ever went without a drink in hand!

  2. This is so tough! Within the last year, I'd have to say my favorite was a stack of handmade cards my husband made (he's not crafty, but knew I would love it) for our anniversary. I will keep them forever ;)

  3. Oh I just did a post similar to this on my blog. Sort of. I called mine show & tell, I featured a gift my mother made for my little girl then I wrote about a gift my Mother-in-law sent us. Both great gifts!

  4. A friend gave us a sourdough starter ("the chef") that was from the original one from San Francisco almost 200 years ago. (We're in Portland, Oregon.)

    We work w/our hands every week (who needs a gym?) + behold the magic of "the chef's" work.

    Each time we break away a piece of the bread from the two loaves, gift a loaf away, or give someone their own starter from ours, we are reminded that it's one of the best gifts of all: one that keeps on giving while nourishing the body, heart + soul.

    And if anyone is interested in a quick, delightful read about a woman who leaves her life to start anew as a baker in Seattle, I highly recommend "Bread Alone" by Judith Hendricks. An unrelated gift from another friend after we provided them w/their own "chef".

  5. My favorite would have to be the puppy I got when I was 13. My parents surprised us, and bred our dog. I thought he was at the vets for a couple days. On Christmas day I noticed in my stocking a card that said my puppy would be born in January, and I'd get him in February. Ricky was the best present in the world. He was the best gift ever! :)

  6. These are all great! Notice how each one has thought in it and isn't really monetary. We'll have to do this again!
