Thursday, July 31, 2008


I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but I managed to keep a shirt that I have had since 1st grade. My mom hand painted it for me and it was a favorite. Part of the paint has faded or washed off, but surprisingly it is still in pretty good condition. Somehow, my daughter found it and has been wearing it. It got me thinking about gifts we receive as kids. Do you have something that you just couldn't let go of.......even though you didn't have any idea what to do with it at the time?


  1. oh my goodness how I wish I had something this fabulous in my closet for my child. I love this!!!

  2. That is SO sweet! That is amazing and seriously tugs on the sentimental heart strings :)

    When I was seven...we took a trip driving across Canada. When we were in Ottawa I was given a pair of little Winnie the Pooh shoes from the local Sears store. I know it sounds incredibly weird...but I long to have them back! All these years later still I have some bizarre attachment to them...?

    So it's nice that you still have the shirt :)

    Lovely post...sigh.

  3. It's funny how we remember certain things and have a fondness of them many years later. Makes me wonder what it is that my kids have now that they will remember....hmmmmm??

  4. That is adorable! I have quite a few things I just can't part with. Anything from your childhood that brings you this much happiness is worth hanging onto, isn't it?
