Monday, July 21, 2008

Actually excited about a basket....

Wow was I excited when I saw that Holly over at haus maus and decor8 is as crazy for these baskets as I am. A basket that can be picked up on your way out the door and double as a bag or even hold your, that's my kind of basket. (Ours is $44 since we went with the version with leather trim) Holly is putting hers in her bathroom. This is ideal for extra storage. That's the thing, though, these are ideal for just about anywhere. They could hold magazines, toys, towels, or frankly, anything else your heart desires. I have one sitting under my desk ready to go. I deliver things to my local clients all the time and it is the perfect, stylish bag to carry them in. Okay, you can tell I was extra excited about finding them on her site, because I have now posted twice on a Monday. Be sure to keep reading below for today's gift of gab.


  1. My lovely sister Luce has one of these - it is her plane bag - she says she feels like Elle McPherson getting off a plane with one of these!Must get myself one and channel Elle as well ...

  2. And I thought I was stylish with mine at the market....a plane bag...even better!
